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Know the Facts About Kidney Stone Complications

Kidney stone complications know the facts


Kidney stone complications know the facts while the condition itself is relatively harmless, a person with a kidney stone needs to be aware of the potential complications of the disease. A patient with a kidney stone is prone to a number of serious problems, including pain when urinating and infection. This is why it's important to understand all the possible kidney stone treatments. The first step in treatment is to identify whether you have a family history of kidney stones or a recent episode. If you have had this condition in the past, there are a few things that can make the situation worse.

Kidney stones are caused by a high concentration of certain minerals and substances in the urine. When these compounds build up in the urinary tract, they form crystals that stick together and cause stones to form. This happens because the urine lacks fluid and other substances that prevent the stone from passing easily. Even though a kidney stone can be as small as a grain of sand, it can be quite painful, especially if it's bigger than a penny.

Besides the pain associated with kidney stones, a patient can also develop sepsis. A person with this condition can also experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and chronic pain, organ failure, and even amputation. Knowing these facts about kidney stone complications can help you avoid this dangerous situation.

The symptoms of kidney stones can be very uncomfortable, and changing positions does not seem to help. However, can kidney stones cause kidney failure if the stone is too large to pass on its own, it may need to be treated. A doctor may use shock waves or insert a scope into the urethra to remove the stone. In some cases, surgery may be needed, and other measures are necessary. These treatments can be costly and risky.

A health care provider will likely perform a physical exam and order a series of tests. During a physical exam, the doctor will also look for other symptoms. For example, the patient may have pain in the groin, back, or testicle, which may indicate a kidney stone. Stages of passing a kidney stone once the physician determines the type of kidney stone, a medical professional will recommend the best course of treatment.

People with kidney stones should drink plenty of liquids. It's essential to drink three quarts of liquid per day if the stone is too large. If the stone is in the urinary tract, it is vital to replace lost fluids through sweat and to reduce the chances of developing new stones. In addition to drinking a lot of water, it's also important to drink plenty of water to avoid the development of a kidney stone.

Foods that cause kidney stones

foods that cause kidney stones

Keep away from stone-shaping food sources: Beets, chocolate, spinach, rhubarb, tea, and most nuts are wealthy in oxalate, which can add to kidney stones. On the off chance that you experience the ill effects of stones, your primary care physician might encourage you to keep away from these food varieties or to eat them in more modest sums.

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